Sunday, December 18, 2005

Ant crossing rockface


Way above the traffic-(Mont lachat de Thones)


It almost felt like base-jumping

photo:Ant Moore

You don't jump off a cliff! but sometimes........

photo:Ant Moore, who wouldn't go first

Mark with Wales coast in background

Photo:Andy Marks

Above the clouds

photo:andy marks

Tandem over Lynmouth

photo: andy marks

Tandem launches

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Lynmouth viewed from Countisbury Hill

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Map of Devon

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Big boots, steep hills

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Nepal looks great from the ground too

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Tandem near Annapurna

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Over Pokhara, Nepal

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Sandy Bay, near Bude North Devon

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On the way down from La Tournette, looking back

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Eye to eye with the hill-top restaurant

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Crossing the lake

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Annecy 2005- getting high

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The world from a glider's perspective

We hang-glider and paragliding pilots view our own home towns from a different angle.
Mostly, we view it from above, and from 50 metres to 3000 metres altitude.

We can pack our portable aircraft on to budget airliners to travel the world looking for amazing places to experience.

Our silent mode of flight allows us to take a camera up to show you how the world looks, from our perspective. These photographs are by the members of the North Devon Hang-gliding and Paragliding Club in the UK. Enjoy!

Chris Blanchard
Dec 2005